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Proposal: Databend CLI Design Doc


bendctl is a command-line tool for creating, listing, logging, deleting databend running instances on local or on cloud. It also supports to port forward webUI, monitoring dashboard on local and run SQL query from command line


  1. Centralized way to manage running databend cluster on local or on k8s(Cloud) (start, delete, update, log)
  2. Manage and install release Instances on local machine
  3. Show different dashboards on local (prometheus, jaeger, query web UI (like querybook or superset))
  4. Support to run query or load data through command line
  5. TLS Authentication support: support client side authentication, and also support to configure mTLS for managed databend instances

Non Goals for now​

  1. More detailed managements like manage schema, table etc
  2. Query Task visualization (list and show all query tasks on current cluster)
  3. RBAC tenant management(add a subcommand tenant is helpful, and is compatible with this design)


Use single line install script to install bendctl on local machine

curl -fsS | bash


Cluster Create​

Create, Configure and switch to a databend cluster using the following command:

bendctl cluster create --profile=<databend profile>

Support three kinds of profile in alpha stage,

  1. local: local profile will run standalone databend cluster on local(one running databend-query instance and one running databend-dfs instance)
  2. demo: install a standalone databend instance on cloud(k8s or maybe fargate in later stage)
  3. cluster: install databend cluster on cloud( through databend operator)

Support to use flags or yaml or toml files for deployment configuration setup For example:

Run databend instance on local and setup the api address, version, tls for it

bendctl cluster create --profile=local --set local.mysql_port=3307 --set local.http_address= --set local.version=v0.4.88-nightly --set local.tls_key=<key file location>
--set local.tls_cert=<cert file location --set local.ca_cert=<ca cert location>

Create and configure databend cluster through toml file or yaml file

bendctl cluster create -f cluster_configuration.toml

Cluster List​

List all clusters managed by the command line (Name with * in the cluster used in current session)

bendctl cluster list
| default(*)| local | local | RUNNING| localhost:3307 | disabled|
| demo | demo| minikube | RUNNING | | disabled|
| production| cluster | GKE | RUNNING | | enabled|

Cluster View​

View databend components in current cluster For example: In cluster profile:

bendctl cluster view
| query-1 | GKE | databend-query | running | enabled |
| query-2 | GKE | databend-query | running | enabled |
| query-3 | GKE | databend-query | pending | enabled |
| dfs-1 | GKE | databend-dfs | running | enabled |
| dfs-2 | GKE | databend-dfs | running | enabled |

Check on disk utilization

bendctl cluster df
| local-disk-1 | Block| 10Gi | 90Gi | /mnt/databend-dfs |
| s3-disk | Object| 100 Gi | 1000Gi | s3://bucket-1/mnt/databend-dfs |

Cluster delete​

For local profile, pids in running instances shall be killed, and for cluster profile, computing pods would be deleted, can add some flags to delete disk resources as well( RBAC needed)

bendctl cluster delete

Cluster log​

Show logs in current running instance

show all databend-query logs

bendctl cluster log --component=query --all

The command above would show all databend-dfs logs

bendctl cluster log --component=dfs --all

The command above would show databend operator logs

bendctl cluster log --component=operator

Cluster add​

Add component to current storage

The following command add two query nodes, each need 2 cpu resource

bendctl cluster add --component query --num 2 --cpu 2 --namespace=<operator namespace>

Cluster use​

Switch to another cluster The Command will switch to another cluster run on GKE cloud

bendctl cluster use --name cloud-instance-1 --cluster GKE --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config --kubecontext gke-cloud-1

Cluster Check​

Check whether current configuration can be deployed on given cluster

It will check on port availability, and storage resource availability for deployment

bendctl cluster check --profile=local

It will check on cloud resources, whether compute nodes could be scheduled on given cloud platform, whether TLS configured etc

bendctl cluster check -f deploy.yaml

Cluster Analyze​

Analyze and troubleshooting on given configuration, difference between analyze and check is that analyze is troubleshooting on a running cluster, and check mainly used for pre-fight check

bendctl cluster analyze --profile=local

Cluster Update​

Update cluster to a newer version

bendctl cluster update v0.5.1-nightly


Run query using selected client

bendctl query 'SELECT * FROM TABLE1' --client=mysql