📄️ addYEARS/MONTHS/DAYS/HOURS/MINUTES/SECONDSAdd time interval to a date or datetime, return the result of date or datetime type.
📄️ subtractYEARS/MONTHS/DAYS/HOURS/MINUTES/SECONDSSubtract time interval from a date or datetime, return the result of date or datetime type.
📄️ toYYYYMMConverts a date or date with time to a UInt32 number containing the year and month number.
📄️ toYYYYMMDDConverts a date or date with time to a UInt32 number containing the year and month number (YYYY * 10000 + MM * 100 + DD).
📄️ toYYYYMMDDhhmmssConverts a date or date with time to a UInt64 number containing the year and month number (YYYY * 10000000000 + MM * 100000000 + DD * 1000000 + hh * 10000 + mm * 100 + ss).